Worry is completely useless. It is like a rocking chair. It keeps you busy all day but brings you nowhere. It is a complete waste of time and energy, it causes us to lose today.


When you worry, you are basically saying : « What if God doesn’t come through ? I’d better have a back up plan ! »


God thinks of everything and He wants us to take our responsibilities and cast our care on Him. Show God that you are willing to do your part and then trust Him to do the part you cannot do.


To worry : to torment yourself with disturbing thots !


Most of the things we worry about never happen !


God’s will for us is peace ! When the worry comes, say : « No, I am not gonna worry about this ! Either God is God, or He is not God ! I believe that He is God, so  this is what His Word says, and I am not going to worry ! »


We have to fight the good fight of faith and sometimes, it is a fight ! We have to say : « No ! This is not God’s best for me ! »


Philippians 4 :6 : « Do not fret or have any anxiety about anything, but in every circumstance and in everything, by prayer and petition (definite requests), with thanksgiving, continue to make your wants known to God. And God’s peace shall be yours, that tranquil state of a soul assured of his salvation through the Lord, and so fearing nothing from God and being content with its earthly lot ! »


So  believe that God is good and faithful. He cannot lie, He always keeps His Word,  He is a God of justice and makes wrong things right. Believe that He knows and sees your situation, that He is love and He loves you, that He is everywhere all the time and He is not surprised by your problems. He knew it before you got it, and He already has your delivrance planned ! God will not be late in bringing your delivrance, but He usually is not early either !


Worry is our work trying to do what God can do ! It’s better to say : « God, I don’t know what to do. If you show me what to do and give me the strength, I will do it ! I will partner up with You, Father, but I can’t do it without you !

Worry is another way of saying : « I don’t trust God fully ! » It robs you of the power you need to live today, it often causes illness. It nullifies prayer.


God is not pleased with everything we do but He is pleased with us.


Worry is sin ! God doesn’t like what worry does to us : it stops us from making progress, it torments us, makes us waste our time. Ask God to forgive you when you spend your day worrying and to help you learn how to do things better in the future.


A prayerful concern leads to pray, but when it leads me to losing my peace and feel worry and anxiety, that is not good ! It is not wrong to ponder things and think about our problems but the minute you start to get confused, you got too far, because you start  to get confused and confusion is not from God.




Living in turmoil, worry, anxiety, fear and frustration is abnormal for a believer. God doesn’t want us to live that way. « For he who has once entered God’s ret also has ceased from the weariness and pain of human labors, just as God rested from these labors peculiarly His own. The Lord gave us the sweet order : « Don’t let your hearts be troubled (distressed, agitated) neither let them be afraid . »


We can control the way we respond to something that might trouble us. We can choose peace or trouble. When we sincerely seek God’s face in a difficult situation and we want to obey Him with our whole heart, then we can learn to enjoy life, even in the midst of trying circumstances. It is one way to develop spiritual maturity. Let’s not wait until everything is perfect before rejoicing and giving thanks to God.


Give thanks to God « in » everything, not after everything is over.


Love and worship the Lord and leave your troubles in His hands ! God is a good God and He will always take care of you ! Trust that He has a good plan for your life ! START LIVING A LIFE OF PEACE TODAY !